CVR-HZI Collaborative Development Fund

UK Research and Innovation Medical Research Council has funded an initiative to build an enduring partnership between the MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research (CVR) and the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI).

The CVR-HZI Collaborative Development Fund will support a range of activities that allow investigators to forge new collaborations and strengthen existing ones.

Find out more about the CVR

Find out more about the HZI

You can watch the CVR-HZI Development Fund briefing here.

Fund Launch July 2024

A ~25 minute video briefing and Q&A on the CVR-HZI Collaborative Development Fund

We will support three types of collaborative activities:

1) Pump-Priming Projects (~6 months) including substantive research

2) Mini-Projects (<3 months) for training, skills exchange and pilot research work

3) Scoping-Visits (<1 week) permitting investigators to meet and scope potential collaborations.

Applications are open NOW with rolling deadlines over 2024.

The next deadline is Tuesday 30th July