Our objectives are to:
Develop a productive network of collaboration between CVR and HZI researchers.
Pump-prime jointly led research activities.
Build on core technology expertise across CVR and HZI sites.
Support training opportunities for CVR and HZI early career researchers.
Identify and foster longer-term funding opportunities.
Pump-Priming Projects
Funds will support focussed projects, of up to 6 months, aimed to generate data that can be used as the foundation for larger grant applications or as contributions to overarching research projects. Applications can be made for either wet lab or data science projects and can also specifically support use of technologies/facilities at CVR or HZI.
Please note there are no further funds available for Pump-Priming Projects.
These will primarily enable training or skills/knowledge exchange. They may address a specific research question, or enable pilot experiments, but this is not essential. A research visit will be an integral component of a Mini-Project. Projects can be up to 3 months duration.
Please note there are no further funds available for Mini-Projects.
These are designed to bring investigators together to identify and build areas for collaboration. Visits up to 1 week may be organised.
The next deadline for Scoping-Visit applications will be 25th November 2024.